DARE Dorothy Margaret -1936 :: BLANEY Kathleen Hannah -1947

There are 3 people buried in this grave – as per the above Stellawood Cemetery Register Dorothy Margaret Dare died on 9 June 1936 Kathleen Hannah Blaney died on 18 June 1947 Stillborn Baby of Archer Ernest Faulds buried on 29 April 1955 Stellawood Cemetery CD 6/10/1936 Dorothy Margaret Dare 54 yrs 54 I European European Female - Hold 1261 6/19/1947 Kathleen Hannah Blaney 46 yrs 54 II European Female - F Hold 4/29/1955 S/B of Archer Ernest Faulds S/B 54 I European Male - F Hold - Still born Information received from Maureen Schnittker Information received from Maureen Schnittker
contributed by: Eleanor Garvie
viewed 400 times
DARE Dorothy Margaret -1936 :: BLANEY Kathleen Hannah -1947
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