DAUTH Charmaine 1956-1961 :: DAUTH Martha M. 1918-1990

There are 3 people buried in this grave as per the Stellawood Cemetery Register above Peter M Kidd buried 19 May 1956 Charmaine Dauth was 5 years old when she died so she must have been born in 1956 Martha M Dauth died on 24 December 1990 Stellawood Cemetery CD 5/19/1956 Peter Mc Millan Kidd 64 yrs European Male - Cremation 9/11/1961 Martha Marcelle Charmaine Dauth Dauth 5 yrs 102 A European Female - Hold 3861 12/28/1990 Martha Magdelena Dauth 72 yrs 102 A European Female - Information received from Maureen Schnittker
contributed by: Jacqui Forster
viewed 304 times
DAUTH Charmaine 1956-1961 :: DAUTH Martha M. 1918-1990
25 January 2011 Share: , , Full Size (1200 x 900)