MARTIN John Cook -1926 & Caroline Elizabeth -1948 :: MARTIN John Douglas -1959 :: LITTLE Barbara -1975
Stellawood Cemetery CD
1/19/1926 John Cook Martin 60 yrs 273/275 H European Male - F Hold
6/17/1948 Caroline Elizabeth Martin 78 yrs 275 H European European Female - F Hold
5/19/1959 John Douglas Martin 57 yrs 275 H European Male - F Hold
12/10/1975 Barbara Elizabeth M Little 44 yrs 275 H European Female - F Hold - Ashes of
6/30/1983 Thomas Arthur McMurray Martin 71 yrs 273 H European Male - Ashes of
4/10/1959 Nigel Garry Little 2 yrs 275 H European Male - F Hold - Ashes of
Information received from Maureen Schnittker
contributed by: Lyn Paul
viewed 117 times