MEW G.H. -1927 & D.J. -1947 :: WILSON A.B. -1970

As per the cemetery records the ashes of Archibald D Wilson were also buried in this grave on 4 May 1993 National Archives DESCRIPTION MEW, GEORGE HENRY. (S/S MEW, DINAH JOHANNA). STARTING 1927 DESCRIPTION MEW, DINAH JOHANNA. PR/SP MEW, GEORGE HENRY (12666). STARTING 19470000 Stellawood Cemetery CD 5/13/1947 Dinah J Mew 72 yrs 824 H European Female - F Hold 9/8/1970 Albie Beulah Wilson 57 yrs 824 H European Female - F Hold Information received from Maureen Schnittker
contributed by: Lyn Paul
viewed 192 times
MEW G.H. -1927 & D.J. -1947 :: WILSON A.B. -1970