Northern Cape, CALVINIA district, Platberg, British Military graves

16 November 2015 5 images
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Cemetery information:- We were unable to obtain the exact location of the graves, other than that they were buried at Platberg, Calvinia district. There are two graves located here, although we only have photographs of one. The other grave belongs to Lieut E.J. YOUNGER (16th Queens Lancers), killed in action near Calvinia Dec 23, 1901 in his twentieth year. More can be read regarding him on the following website: Information regarding the place of burial is from IN MEMORIAM by Steve Watt. Information received from Jennifer Douglas: Fowler. — Lieut. Robert Nesbitt Fowler, 16th Lancers, died Feb. 26th, 1902, near Calvinia, of wounds received in action the previous day. He was the second son of the late R. D. Fowler, Esq., of Liver- pool, and of Mrs. Fowler, Bentley, Hampshire. He was born March, 1875, educated at Leys School, Cambridge, and Brasenose College, Oxford, where he took his B.A. degree in 1897. He entered the 16th Lancers from the 4th Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Jan., 1899, being promoted lieut. the following October. Lieut. Fowler went to South Africa with his regiment in Feb., 1900, and saw much service during the war. He was at one time Transport Officer to a column, and was mentioned in despatches by Lieut. -Gen. Lord Kitchener, March Sth, 1902, for " gallantry in bringing in a dismounted man under heavy and close fire, Dec. 22nd, 1901." A relief bronze and oak tablet has been erected to his memory in Brasenose College, Oxford, by his brother officers. Album incomplete, we only have photographs of the one grave. eGGSA captions by: James Anderson The GGSA Cemetery DVD only has information on the cemetery location. Cemetery ID: 5538 Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:- GPSID: 6621 GPS: Unavailable
1. Overview
1. Overview
FOWLER R.M. -1902
FOWLER R.M. -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902
FOWLER Robert Nesbitt -1902