Cemetery information:-
Vanaf Rawsonville so km uit die dorp op Worcesterpad duskant Merwida Country Lodge draai Louwshoek pad uit na regs. Hierdie grafte lê links so 1km in by plaashuis, entjie verder regs die enkel Fick graf.
Miekie van der Merwe.
Album complete, all the headstones were photographed.
eGGSA captions by: Catherine du Toit
Additional information available on the GGSA Cemetery DVD:-
Cemetery ID: 5830
Number of names: 19
Google Earth Cemetery Initiative Information:-
GPSID: 6979
GPS: Approx. -33 42.889 19 20.376
KOCK Pieter J., de 1852-1896 & Petronella Susanna 1855-1925